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THE GREEN WORLD AWARDS for Environmental Best Practice by Companies, Organisations and Governments

The International Green Apple Environment Awards were established in 1994 and have become one of the world’s most prestigious recognition campaigns.

THE GREEN WORLD AWARDS have been launched as the top tier of the Green Apple Awards – enabling companies and organisations to win environmental recognition not only for themselves, but also for their countries.

To this end, we also invite entries from local, regional and national governments around the world.

To mark the success of our highest-scoring winners each year, WE WILL HOST THE FOLLOWING YEAR’S PRESTIGIOUS PRESENTATION CEREMONY IN THEIR HOMELAND, at zero cost to them and with winners invited from around the world.

Our judges will always take into consideration the level of commitment that can be afforded by each applicant – so that smaller or poorer areas have just as much chance of success as bigger or richer ones.

What is your company, organisation or Government department doing for the environment?
Is the rest of the world fully aware of all the efforts and initiatives being taken in your country?
Do you get the international credit you deserve for your environmental achievements?

THE GREEN WORLD AWARDS will recognise and reward the endeavours of Commerce, Industry, Governments, Ministries, Departments, Agencies, Authorities and Individuals who have a beneficial impact on the environment.

Tell us what you are doing to help the environment and improve sustainability.

Applicants will be given free tickets to be presented with their trophies at a glittering prizegiving ceremony in the homeland of the previous year’s Green World Champion.

AND NEXT YEAR, THIS PRESTIGIOUS EVENT COULD BE STAGED IN YOUR COUNTRY – large or small – at no cost to you; because the highest-scoring nation will be chosen as the venue for next year’s GREEN WORLD AWARDS

We want to tell the world about your green credentials and help you to boost your environmental reputation and status – and encourage others to follow your lead.

Entries are invited from anyone working within Commerce, Industry, National, Regional or Local Government; Ministries, Environment Departments, Government Agencies, etc.
You can submit one paper – or as many as you choose.
Identical or different entries can be submitted in more than one category.

There are four chances to win: We have Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in every category in each sector, and the highest scorer in each will be declared a Green World Champion.
The overall winner (the highest scorer) will be the Green World Champion of Champions and win the honour for their country to host next year’s Green World Awards – at zero cost to you!

All entrants will be given free tickets for the presentation ceremony and trees will be planted to offset any carbon footprint created by their journeys.